Have been seeking some expert advice. This is from yetidamo on lfgss (Sam's mate and ridix strong rider):
"Yeah it's the arms and hands that would take a pummling on the cx. But I'd still prefer it to a full suss. A lightweight short travel full suss would be OK, but a light hardtail would still be optimum choice. Its a bloody tough ride so any excess unnecessary weight isn't welcome.
Both times I did it we rode it in one sitting. But both rides were quite different. The first, Winchester to Eastbourne, we set off at 10pm on Friday, rode through the night, saw some incredible things in the dead of night, marvelled at the sunrise and eventually rode into Eastbourne for about 10:30 for a late (and well deserved breakfast). Caught the train home and slept. A lot.
The second time we rode in the other direction starting at about 8am. It was good Friday last year and (unexpectedly) it was an absolute scorcher. Like 30+ degrees C during much of the day. And there's no real shade or cover from the sun up on the ridge. It was absolutely brutal. I've never done anything harder in my life. It was a proper job of mind over matter. Which made it all the more memorable and satisfying to finish. 20 miles from the end I honestly didn't think I could finish it, but we did and whilst I hated it with 20 to go, it remains my favourite ride of 2019 but a country mile. My brother too. Which is why he wants me to do it again this year. Except this time he's suggesting riding there in a day, crash in a hotel and ride back the next. It would be a massive, and I mean MASSIVE, thing to do. We'll see.
How people do it there and back in one sitting is beyond me."
Have been seeking some expert advice. This is from yetidamo on lfgss (Sam's mate and ridix strong rider):
"Yeah it's the arms and hands that would take a pummling on the cx. But I'd still prefer it to a full suss. A lightweight short travel full suss would be OK, but a light hardtail would still be optimum choice. Its a bloody tough ride so any excess unnecessary weight isn't welcome.
Both times I did it we rode it in one sitting. But both rides were quite different. The first, Winchester to Eastbourne, we set off at 10pm on Friday, rode through the night, saw some incredible things in the dead of night, marvelled at the sunrise and eventually rode into Eastbourne for about 10:30 for a late (and well deserved breakfast). Caught the train home and slept. A lot.
The second time we rode in the other direction starting at about 8am. It was good Friday last year and (unexpectedly) it was an absolute scorcher. Like 30+ degrees C during much of the day. And there's no real shade or cover from the sun up on the ridge. It was absolutely brutal. I've never done anything harder in my life. It was a proper job of mind over matter. Which made it all the more memorable and satisfying to finish. 20 miles from the end I honestly didn't think I could finish it, but we did and whilst I hated it with 20 to go, it remains my favourite ride of 2019 but a country mile. My brother too. Which is why he wants me to do it again this year. Except this time he's suggesting riding there in a day, crash in a hotel and ride back the next. It would be a massive, and I mean MASSIVE, thing to do. We'll see.
How people do it there and back in one sitting is beyond me."