• #2
POC would fit a big bonce I reckon.
• #3
But would it look any good or make a big head seem even bigger?
• #4
Catlike Tako are dirt cheap and super low volume compared to Giro or Spesh
• #5
Yes. No.
• #6
Are the Whisper and Mixino helmets also low-volume?
• #7
Thanks Nath. I do like them a lot. Just worry they are quite bulky...
• #8
• #9
Giro synthe is v low volume, so is the kask protone (but £££). Lazer helmets are a good shout too.
IMO the poc helmets make your head look bigger, as do specialised.
• #10
The Whisper is quite big. Dan is right on Lazer, low volume and comfortable.
• #11
Kask might fit the bill?
• #12
I have a large Kask Protone, I can wear it to the track day, and you can try it and take a selfie.
• #13
I can get 35% off Kask stuff, that's from the RRP so works out at £132.50. I'll have to pay for it and get it delivered to me though. Let me know.
• #14
In my early days of MTBng I had a massive helmet (ooeer) and the owner of our forum used a Mekon picture as part of our logo and a few years later he told me it was because of my helmet.
• #16
MET Rivale is also good bet.
POC is best helmet out there bar none. Some people can pull it off (me and Nath) some can't.
Protone is club helmet of choice it seems.
Maybe also try Mojito but it's quite flimsy IMO.
• #17
Sounds like a plan, especially with Sam's kind discount.
I went to Sigma to try some on but they had a very meagre selection for customers to actually try on.
• #18
Protone is the best lid I've owned by some margin. Total recommends. Two thumbs good.
• #19
Thanks for bringing the POC to the track day Ved. It was a pleasant surprise to find a medium fitted me. So I've decided to join the POC gang. Helmet ordered...
• #20
And thanks for bringing the biscuits too
• #21
There's a large Kask Infinity behind my desk in this colour, half price at £110 if someone wants?
• #22
POC helmets are for hipster twonks.
• #23
Safety first.
• #24
• #25
Even I'm not wearing a POC helmet.
I need a new helmet.
I have a big bonce.
Any recommendations for semi-flattering helmets for people with big heads?