• Hello,

    As ongoing supporters of the Friends of Herne Hill Velodrome - through your bike storage hook or season hire at the track - we wanted to give you a quick heads up about the launch of an important crowdfunding campaign: The Big Finish.

    It goes public at 11am this Friday - so please share nothing on social media until then - but as regular users of HHV we wanted you all to be amongst those who see it first (apologies for any cross-posting - if you've received a similar email through your FHHV membership or club affiliation).

    The story is: Everybody's Pavilion is nearly ready but we need to kit it out. We need to raise £75K to buy all the stuff a top of the range sports building requires. All the details - including our campaign video featuring lots of familiar faces - can be found here: http://www.crowdfunder.co.uk/thebigfinis­h

    Get what you fancy but keep it under your Friends cap until Friday...then tell the whole world!!

    A new pavilion was the big dream of the Save the Herne Hill Velodrome Campaign. We’re nearly there. This is the lunge for the line. This is: The Big Finish



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