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  • It's quiet on here, so a tale to cheer you up.

    The Isen plus bits and bobs was sent off to Wallington Cycles for the build. Wally Cycles are lovely but small time and even Emma questioned their ability for this job. But there is a chap there called Duncan who knows his shiz and I figured he would enjoy the build. Plus, Pearson Cycles are asking £300 for a bike build!!!!

    Got a call from Duncan after a week. He had to order a few bits in and had started the build, all good he said, bar a problem with the frame. "Oh!". Someone else had this issue on the forum, the rear spacing was not 135mm but 127mm and the chainstay had not been dimpled to accommodate the chainset!!

    Duncan called Isen who were very apologetic and have picked up the frame to be fixed and will return it. Go Duncan for great service, he is enjoying the build and the challenges it is giving him.


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