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  • LCH did nail a thrilling final to take the honours, leaving our best team in their wake. RBC were leading but one of their men took too long a pull which unsettled them.

    It was a great night, quite an impressive event and this year the weather was kind.

    Our team came mid-table. We had a disaster from the off, number 7 man toppled on the holding start and forced number 6 to unclip. The first two went off like bat poo and the communication did not come up the line. By the time the others had caught up they were too dead to smash their last 2k.

    I had no idea what was going on, I concentrated on closing the gap I had from number 2, when he tired I went past him early, did my little 500 metres and was glad to peel off.

    We had a great laugh and bonded as a group which was nice.


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