• Great job everyone. Despite the wavering weather it worked out ok in the end (as far as I could tell from the safety and warmth of the car).

    We did pretty well:

    • 03:34 - Phil 'Dark Horse' Channon (=6th)
    • 04:08 - Sam 'Skinsuit' Day (13th)
    • 04:18 - Vedran 'Blacktop' Kosoric (15th)
    • 05:48 - Pete 'Steady' Paterson (25th)

    The winners were Chris Tono (03:19) and Christine Robson (04:28). Amusingly the standout winner of the men's race last year Nimai Inniss (02:57) got DFL this year (06:23). Incredible to see how the year of living in the UK after his time in South America has affected his fitness and waistline.

    Thanks to those of you that were able to brave the elements to ride. And huge thanks to Dan and Eb for plundering the Ray Mears eXtreme survival handbook to successfully reanimate the bacon, and to Ricky for starter and chauffeur duties.


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